sâmbătă, 29 august 2009

By Candlelight

This is a card i made for a Winter Winderland contest, called "By Candlelight". I was pretty busy handling housework and the two children, but I hope I made it in time. After all, it's still Saturday over here... :) I really wanted to be part of this contest, and I worked a lot for it, so I really hope you like it... I worked everything by hand, except for the little shining star and corners. Anyway, it feels pretty well seeing something coming out of one's hand in the end... :)

2 comentarii:

Teri spunea...

Simona, this is such a sweet card. The image is adorable and you have coloured her beautifully.

Thank you for joining us at Winter Wonderland.

Teri xx

Simona spunea...

Thank you so much, Teri! You can't imagine how you've made my day! :) I'll keep on trying and improving my work! Thanks again!